Devil May
Cry 4 Review
By Dan McKenney
I, like many others, have always been intrigued by
the Devil May Cry series. Having never played one
before, I was surprisingly optimistic about Devil May
Cry 4 for the Xbox 360. The games have had a large,
supportive fanbase, so I figured I'd give it a go.
Unfortunately, Devil May Cry 4 has disappointed me in
many ways, and has left me without a single urge to
play through the rest of the game, and as such, my
impressions of the game are only from 5 hours of
At first, me and Devil May Cry 4 shared a loving,
heartwarming relationship between a man and his game.
The jaw-dropping visuals impressed me, the load times
were surprisingly short, and the combat system left
me giddy with delight. But as I went on in the game,
I began to realize how mind-numbingly repetitive it
grew to be. But, let's get on with the review
already, shall we?
In DMC4, you start the game as Nero, a white-haired
bada$$ with a huge attitude, who fights with his gun
and his sword. Later on, you'll get to play as series
lead Dante, who (surprisingly enough), is...also a
white-haired bada$$ with a huge attitude, who fights
with his gun and his sword. In the middle of a
meeting of the Order of the Sword, which is some form
of Catholic government formed against the demonic
Hell-spawn monsters that seem to multiply like a pair
of rabbits, Dante busts in and kills Sanctus, the
leader of the Order. Nero is sent to track down
Dante, but uncovers the truth along the way about the
Order. While it certainly isn't award-winning
material, it gives the game a starting point to
develop from right?
Can you tell the difference? Neither can I.
DMC4 then decides to take what it has created in what
most people call a "storyline" and then throw logic
out the window. Aside from the occasional cutscene,
the storyline really has no effect on the game at
all. You'll be fighting the same enemies in pretty
much the same environments of an area so the door
unlocks allowing you into the next room. Over and
over again. And it's not like the scenery ties in
with the game, as one minute you'll be fighting on an
ice field, and the next you'll be in a rainforest.
And it's not like the game hinted at it either. You
remember how in the Ocarina of Time, Hyrule was split
up into different themed sections with the field as
the central hub? Devil May Cry thought it would be a
good idea to take all those sections and put them in
a straight line in no particular order, and sprinkled
cutscenes and attitude all over the place, just
making a mess of things.
However, the changing scenery is a slight remedy for
the repetitive combat. Evn though Devil May Cry 4
allows you to purchase new combo moves and attacks,
the enemies are pretty much the same, and each battle
can be won the same exact way (tape the Y button and
RB down while you get something to eat). And while
the combat may be a little too similar, it is
perfected in a way that is easily customizable and
understandable. You'll easily be able to perform
devastating combos without setting the combo system
to "automatic mode" in which the game does everything
for you.
Another remedy for the never-ending cycle that is
DMC4's combat is the Secret Missions hidden
throughout the game. Occasionally, you'll find a red
tag on the wall that will activate a "Secret
Mission". Some of them require skill ("Perform 5
Busters without hitting the ground!"), and some of
them give a much-appreciated break from combat ("How
high can you get?"). But the fact of the matter is
that these secret missions are often either so easy a
3 year old can clear it in a few seconds, or so
difficult that you'll kill yourself trying. Some
Secret Missions require a certain skill that only
Dante or Nero have, and the game makes no point of
telling you that Nero can't do a Royal Guard or Dante
can't perform a Table Hopper before you sign up for
the mission. And once you realize that it's
impossible, you can usually walk out a door, kill all
the enemies the wrong way, or wait for the timer to
run out to "Fail" the mission without any
repercussions. However, if you die during the secret
mission, it counts as a death, and you'll need to
restart from either the beginning of the mission or
the last checkpoint.
Devil May Cry 4 feels like an arcade game in
disguise, attempting to work it's way onto your shelf
by hiding beneath an action game. In combat
scenarios, the bigger your combo = the better grade
you get for it. Grades start at D and work up to SSS,
and the grade will decrease if you're hurt in the
process. At the end of each mission, you'll be
assigned an overall grade based on points you earned
throughout the mission. You can upload your final
score to the Xbox Live Leaderboards.
Overall, I don't think that Devil May Cry is a bad
game for you to play, I'm just saying that it's a bad
game for me. While the combo system has been
perfected and the graphics are amazing, Devil May Cry
4 is repetitive and stale. I can see how there is a
fanbase for the DMC series, and I can also see how
some of you might like DMC4. I, however, found myself
begging for the end of each and every level.
So, if anything, give it a shot first. As for me,
I'll be spending my time on something a little more
Amazing visuals, surprisingly quick load times,
perfected combo system
Repetitive, bland, no innovation
M for Mature: Seriously. The amount of gore is
Devil May Cry 4's achievements certainly aren't going
to come easily. While most are the usual fare of
beating the game on different difficulties and
collect a tons of money, some can be insanely
difficult to get (more prominently, ones involving