It's awfully quiet here... That's because most of the action is over at the LITHCast Forums. Why not head on over?

DS Lite by Bill

There is no denying that Nintendo is doing well these days all over the world. The DS has put games in the hands of people who never thought they would enjoy games. Its getting harder and harder to find someone who doesnt have one. And the momentum shows no sign of slowing up just yet. This is especially true in Japan, where DS Lites are gone faster than hair gel at a Final Fantasy cosplay convention.

Some might remember that back in January of 2006 Nintendo made a formal apology when the DS sold out in Japan. This was a big deal as Nintendo had never sold out of a system in Japan before. This surge has carried over to the Wii, which as many frustrated gamers know cant be found on store shelves in.., well .., anywhere. I really dont buy into the whole conspiracy theories that always come with things selling out. The success of the DS, I believe is one of the main reasons the Wii has caught on with so many people. It is certainly not the only factor, the control, the virtual console, and even the new look alone do of course help. The attention and interest people have for both the Wii and the DS is mesmerizing.

I believe its still a bit early to worry about short Wii supply. It has gone on longer than Nintendo expected and likely much longer than consumers expected.  So I dont really want to discuss that so much as the lack of the DS Lite in Japan. I am sure I would be perhaps more concerned if I didnt already have my Wii. I was one of the crazy people who camped out the night before. But I am still using my DS Fat simply because there are NO DS Lites in stores! Many people I do know have them, but there werent able to simply just walk into their local shop and pick one up. It was combinations of calling ahead, or just being at the right place at the right time.

I usually do my game shopping at specialty shops, or large electronic stores. But once in a while I stop in to the Toys
R Us close to where I work. They had this great Wii display with a huge banner , and a white TV that sort of looks like an Apple display.


LITHCast Unboxing AppleTV

So. While this is not Nintendo related, I figured I would post it anyway.

I did an unboxing of the New AppleTV. Click the ad if you wish. (please...)


Pokemon Diamon and Pearl Website Tour.

REMEMBER TO CLICK THE AD AT THE END. The PokemonSite can be found here.


YuGiOh GX: Spirit Caller Video Review reviews a new yugioh game for the DS.

Cooking Mama for the Wii: by Bill

Well LITHCast listeners, I mentioned before that we will be having new content. There is more on the way, but I wanted to start off by posting this column that seems very promising. You see, when on LITHCast 29, I offered positions to writers, many sent me an email. This column, which is written by a man in Japan named Bill, seems very promising. His column is thus-far unnamed, but I hope you will enjoy his take on Cooking Mama for the Wii.

-Daniel Friedlaender


Cooking Mama First Impressions
Released in Japan February 8th, 2007
North Amercian release date: March 27th, 2007
(Japanese version)

    While unwrapping the plastic off my newly purchased copy of Cooking
Mama, I couldn't help but chuckle to

myself.  I had just earlier been reading an article about some Nerf brand
Wii accessories for Wii Sports that

included  bat, tennis racket, and golf club attachments for the Wii-mote.  I
wondered if Cooking Mama could see a

similar line of products!