E3 2008 Live Stream
Jul/11/08 08:09 PM

Well, once again it is short notice, but at least it’s final! LITHCast.com, in a partnership with blogtv.com are going to be bringing you Nintendo’s E3 Media Briefing... for free! Please feel free to watch our promo/setup workings video right here:
The details:
Where: Right here!
When: Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 at 9:00AM PST (UTC-8)
All you have to do is surf on over to LITHCast.com at 9:00AM on Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 and watch it! The event about one hour and we welcome you all to watch the whole thing. BlogTV has told me that they are giving us our own servers, premium bandwidth, the works! This should be one live stream.
Can’t be there at 9? The whole thing will be available as a downloadable MP4 right here and on our podcast RSS feed.
Want an email reminder the morning of? Just input your email below. We will not sell it and we will not spam you. (We promise)
I once again would just like to give a special thanks to all those who made this possible. Thanks a lot to BlogTV.com and TheHylia.com for making this possible!
Please, please, please spread this around to your friends who would be interested and Digg this below.